Join My Challenge Group

How many times have you started working out, just to stop because there was no one to hold you accountable? Or because you just didn't quite know what you were doing? Or because life gets in the way and you have no one to talk to about it?

Statistically, more than 60% of people QUIT their workout routine within the first 2 weeks due to EXCUSES! Excuses are the adult version of 'my dog ate my homework' - what are your excuses for not working out and living a healthy lifestyle? No time? Don’t know what you’re doing or where to start? Can’t afford it?...... I’ve BEEN THERE, DONE THAT! There is a SOLUTION to every single one of these excuses! You have to be willing to MAKE time! That's why I initially joined these Challenge Groups...and also now why I run them.

I needed HELP - and lots of it. During these Challenge groups, you check in daily with your coach and other challengers, which helps keep you accountable. The fitness and nutrition plan, along with the challenge groups, has been a vital part of my success. I knew that before my groups, the foods I was eating were healthy but I didn't realize how wrong my portion sizes were. What I thought was a healthy portion of oatmeal turned out to be THREE SERVINGS. I also was not getting nearly enough fruits, veggies or protein - being a picky vegetarian meant I was eating A LOT of carbs. Once I started using my color-coded containers for meals, and replacing my breakfast with Shakeology every day, I noticed a HUGE change in myself. My energy levels are through the roof (what do you mean I LIKE waking up at 5am and working out?!), I'm gaining muscle, my skin is clearer, my nails are stronger, my hair is shinier, and people are commenting on these noticeable changes as well. This was a monumental LIFESTYLE change for me, and felt that I absolutely had to share this opportunity with others, and so I became a coach.

I am now able to offer this lifestyle change to all my friends, family and YOU - through my challenge groups! Please note - this is NOT a diet! This is a lifestyle change. As a coach, my goals are to focus my entire business around helping others meet their health and fitness goals through methods that have worked for me and countless others.

Whatever you feel is stopping you, I want to help you find a way around it and through your excuses to get you in the best shape of your life and happier than ever. My online challenge groups offer everything you need to guide you along and help KEEP you successful. The best part - the coaching is FREE!

If you answer YES any of the questions below then I know that this challenge is for you! It may even inspire other people around you to get healthy too.
1. Do you want to get healthy on the inside and out?
2. Do you want to lose weight and fit back into your "skinny" jeans!?
3. Do you want to look in the mirror and feel good about what you see?
4. Do you feel sluggish and want to have more energy?
5. Do you want to set a good example for your children, family members, friends?
6. Do you want to have a more positive attitude and outlook on life?
7. Do you want friendships with others who are going through the same things as you?
8. Do you want to have more confidence?
9. Do you want to get your life on track and start a new healthy lifestyle?
10. Do you want to add years onto your life?
So the next question you probably have is - what do you get from my challenge group?
  • individualized support
  • motivation
  • healthy tips
  • structured fitness programs
  • accountability
  • learn what clean eating is
  • get customized meal plans (even for vegetarians and vegans!)
  • grocery list ideas
  • portion control
  • nutritional advice
  • TONS of recipe ideas
  • how to avoid binge eating, emotional eating, stress eating, and mindless snacking
  • eating healthy in social situations
The best part is - this is all done from HOME in a closed Facebook support group! No costly gym fees or pressure for time away from the home. The group consists of people just like you on their own personal journeys to health and fitness. 

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